aktuelle wegsperren

Liebe Wanderer,
aufgrund von Holzschägerungsarbeiten, Aufräumarbeiten und Instandsetzungsarbeiten kommt es da und dort zu zeitlich begrenzten Wegsperren und forstlichen Sperrgebieten entlang von Wanderwegen / Touren. Wir sind bemüht, dir hier einen aktuellen Überblick der gesperrten Wege zu geben. Diese Auflistung basiert auf Infos, welche uns weitergeleitet wurden! Keine Gewähr auf Vollständigkeit!

Erkundige dich bitte vor jeder Tour über die aktuelle Weg- und Wettersituation!

  • Wanderweg von St. Lorenzen ins Tuffbad (Maurachweg) derzeit aufgrund von Holzschlägerungsarbeiten gesperrt!
  • Wanderweg von Assing Richtung Motalpe aufgrund von Holzarbeiten derzeit gesperrt!
  • Die Verbindung Rofnatzen-Millnatzenstattel ist aufgrund einer Hangrutschung derzeit nicht begehbar! Der Aufstieg zum Riebenkofel und zum Millnatzensattel ist über Rofnatzen – Peilbachberg möglich.
  • Abstieg Rofnatzen Richtung Tscheltsch (Weg Nr. 7) nicht begehbar
  • Wanderwegweg Nr. 8 ab Millnatzenbach / Jochbach nicht begehbar.
  • Gailwanderung in Liesing (Weg Nr. 12) - Brücke nicht vorhanden!
  • Wanderweg zwischen Nostrabrücke und Gailbrücke Birnbaum wegen Hangrutschung nicht begehbar!
  • Obertilliach: Weg über Kutteschupfen zum Golzentipp derzeit gesperrt (Weg-Nr. 46)
  • Obertilliach: Wanderweg zur Öfenspitze (Nr. 6) aufgrund von Holzschlägerungsarbeiten bis ca. Ende Okt. gesperrt!
  • Verbindung Niedergail - Nostra derzeit nicht begehbar!
  • Frohnsteig (Wanderweg von den St. Lornzner Feldern runter zur Gail Richtung Frohn) geperrt und unbegehbar! (keine Brücke)
  • Brot- und Morendenweg: Aufstieg von der Gail Richtung Steineckenalm (über Forststraße) zweitweise wegen Holzarbeiten gesperrt. Betreten auf eigene Gefahr!


Hiking, mountaineering, climbing and mountain biking are among the most popular leisure activities in the Lesachtal Valley. The following rules of conduct, hints and tips will ensure that you are always safe in the Summer World.

Proper conduct on the mountain

  • Depending on your physical fitness, start with easier tours.  
  • Always plan mountain tours carefully and stay on the marked trails.   
  • Wear breathable clothing that is suitable for the weather. 
  • Carry equipment appropriate for the tour and the mountain, as well as a first aid kit.  
  • Before setting off, inform another person about the route and the destination of the tour.  
  • Always adapt your pace to your physical condition.
  • Pass areas at risk of rockfall quickly or, if possible, avoid them altogether. 
  • Turn back in good time - if the weather changes, fog obstructs visibility or the trail becomes too difficult.
  • In an emergency, stay calm and alert the rescue services immediately if you have reception - otherwise call for help to draw attention to you.
  • Leave wildlife and grazing cattle alone and, if an encounter cannot be avoided, approach them only from the front.  
  • Please keep dogs on a leash and keep a large distance from cows with young animals.
Hiking, mountaineering or climbing - this is what you should bear in mind:

Expert tips from regional mountain and hiking guides

  • For secured via ferrata routes, use a climbing harness, climbing set and rockfall helmet in accordance with the standard.
  • Prepare your tour days well and start early.  
  • Keep an eye on the weather - especially summer storms - at all times.
  • If possible, go in a group.  
  • Stay on the planned routes.
  • Always break in new mountain boots beforehand, especially before long tours. 
  • If necessary, use blister plasters in good time.  
  • Drink enough to compensate for the increased fluid loss.  


Read more about the correct behaviour when encountering cows!


Rules of conduct for bikers in the Summer World

  • Only follow the marked, surfaced trails.
  • Critically assess individual ability and do not ride beyond your level of skills and experience. 
  • Hikers always have priority over mountain bikers.
  • To protect nature, keep the environment clean and do not make noise.
  • Follow the instructions on forestry work etc.


Close pasture gates and fences after passing.

  • Avoid hunting grounds at dusk.
  • Provide first aid in case of emergency.
  • Only bike with a crash helmet and bell. 
  • Do not drink alcohol until you have finished your tour, as it impairs your concentration.
  • Always bike with maximum attention, ready to stop any moment, especially on nature trails and single trails, as there may well be other athletes out and about. 

Useful hints and tips for family tours

  • Routes should be suitable for children and not too long.
  • (Theme) hiking trails offer your children information and entertainment in addition to exercise.
  • Invest in professional equipment for your children.
  • Always bring a change of clothes.  
  • Start early and avoid the midday heat.  
  • Make sure your children have enough drinks, snacks and fruit to keep them going.  
  • Plan generous breaks.  
  • Sing hiking songs, watch animals, collect stamps or badges ... Think about what junior hikers will enjoy!

The most important emergency numbers

  • Mountain rescue: 140
  • Police: 133
  • European emergency number: 112


All these rules and your correct behaviour on the mountain contribute to safe interaction in the World of Mountains & Lakes.

  • Ambulance: 144
  • Fire brigade: 122

search and book

Your accommodations in the Lesach Valley. Whether private rooms, holiday apartments on the farm, guest houses or hotels - here you can quickly and easily find available rooms including prices, equipment, pictures, etc.

Location and how to find us

The Lesachtal holiday region lies in the Austrian province of Carinthia, directly next to the Italian border.

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© DanielZupanc